Forum Rules :
1. Do NOT flame anyone on forums.
2. Do NOT post anything unnecessary to the forums.
3. Do NOT spam forums to posts...
[More To Come]
1. Do NOT ask for OP/teacher position. Punishment: 15 minute mute.
2. Do NOT spam. Punishment: 5 minute mute, If keep going, 10 minute, 15 minute, and so on
3. No griefing. Punishment: automatic perm ban.
4. No going into other common rooms. Punishment: Kick, or jail.
5. No Swearing Or Racism. Punishment: Mute, kick. Possibly ban
6. No wearing masks that hide your face UNLESS TOLD TO. Punishment: Kick or Jailed
7. Do NOT cast spells on teachers Punishment: Kick/jail and loss of the spell for a short amount of time. Maybe forever if you keep doing it.
[More To Come]
1. Do NOT flame anyone on forums.
2. Do NOT post anything unnecessary to the forums.
3. Do NOT spam forums to posts...
[More To Come]
1. Do NOT ask for OP/teacher position. Punishment: 15 minute mute.
2. Do NOT spam. Punishment: 5 minute mute, If keep going, 10 minute, 15 minute, and so on
3. No griefing. Punishment: automatic perm ban.
4. No going into other common rooms. Punishment: Kick, or jail.
5. No Swearing Or Racism. Punishment: Mute, kick. Possibly ban
6. No wearing masks that hide your face UNLESS TOLD TO. Punishment: Kick or Jailed
7. Do NOT cast spells on teachers Punishment: Kick/jail and loss of the spell for a short amount of time. Maybe forever if you keep doing it.
[More To Come]
Last edited by Fhbgsdhkfbl on Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total